认 证:工商信息已核实
USP <788> - Particle test 颗粒测试 - Full process 灌装全过程 - Multiplepiercing with the same needle 多次重复用同一个灌装针穿刺灌装 | Pass通过 | 2 x less 5 & 10 micron particles, compared to glass vials |
USP <381> & EP 3.2.9. Elastomeric closure 密闭性测试 | Pass通过 | |
Extractables and leachables 可萃取物和可浸出物测试 | Pass通过 | Very low and no toxicity concern 非常低且无毒 |
Vial cleanness (Endotoxins and bio-burden) 洁净小瓶(内毒素和生物负载测试) | Pass通过 | |
Permeability渗透性 - Water loss 失水 - Oxygen 漏气 | Pass通过 Done完成 | According to ICH 根据ICH标准 |
Low temperature storage - 20°c 低温存储 - 80°c - liquid nitrogen | Pass通过 Pass通过 Pass通过 | |
Ageing in ICHconditions 老化程度 | Pass通过 | 7 years(测试至今依在进行) |
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